"What makes your religion better than others?"
I don't like "religion"....Religion just gets in the way of what's real. It gets in the way of the truth, and what really matters. Religion causes self-righteousness, and it causes division among the people....the body of Christ. Religion causes scales to cover our eyes,and be blind to the truth. So let's just say it's all about a relationship with JESUS. I mean who can argue with LOVE. ..... but if we were to talk about a religion in the way you meant it.....my religion is Christianity which means Christ-Like....and you can't judge one person for what the real meaning of Christianity is. So People stop using the excuse that people are the reason you are not a Christian..because truth is...It's all about JESUS....you should keep your eyes on him because humans are not perfect, but that's what grace is for.
I don't like "religion"....Religion just gets in the way of what's real. It gets in the way of the truth, and what really matters. Religion causes self-righteousness, and it causes division among the people....the body of Christ. Religion causes scales to cover our eyes,and be blind to the truth. So let's just say it's all about a relationship with JESUS. I mean who can argue with LOVE. ..... but if we were to talk about a religion in the way you meant it.....my religion is Christianity which means Christ-Like....and you can't judge one person for what the real meaning of Christianity is. So People stop using the excuse that people are the reason you are not a Christian..because truth is...It's all about JESUS....you should keep your eyes on him because humans are not perfect, but that's what grace is for.
Jesus Christ loves us so much that he would rather die than live without us. For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever would believe in him will not die but have eternal life. Our "religion" is not better, it's the only way. Why? Because it is the Truth. There is only one body, and one Spirit, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all. How do I know? One reason is because the Bible says so. So how do we know the Bible is true? Because it works. Follow it, and see for yourself.
There are so many answers I could give you about why Jesus Christ is the only way, but I will end on this note. How can you argue with love?....True Love....Agape Unconditional Love....God is Love....He Love Us With A Passion....More than we'll ever know....He's coming soon... I can feel it... you can think I'm crazy if you want....but truth is ; This is a spiritual world and God lives in us and through us....he leads us and guides us. I am an ambassador of Jesus Christ and I am a soldier in his army, Just as you are called to be. It is easy to get wrapped up in physical temporary things...We need to stay spiritual because we are Spirits with a natural body. We need to get that concept....When we die our spirit....which is our true self....will either go to Heaven or hell. We must make sure we only worship God's holy spirit...and not an imitation.....As spiritual as the Indians were, they still got it wrong with worshiping the wrong spirit.
Sincerely pray to God and ask him to draw you near to him so you might live a life of happiness for eternity with him....pray to God and ask him to show you the truth...and when you do that...keep you eyes open...and keep a pure heart to be ready to recieve the biggest blessing you have ever recieved in you life. Some people have tried everything...but not God. What could it hurt? I'm sure satan will gladly take you back, if you decided you changed you mind.....but seriously think about it and not with your head...it can get confusing....think with you heart...It's not religion...it's Jesus...God Bless with Love
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